Current Status
Not Enrolled
Get Started

Congratulations on your enrolment and investment in yourself and your career!

Enrolment number:
Your RAWP employee ID is your Pharmers user name.
This is the number you can use in further communication or administrative queries & certification.

Academy Registration & Enrolment Policy

All enrolled residents are requested to abide by the terms and conditions of Pharmers Academy. You will receive
some policies and relevant documents in this regard.

Terms and Conditions

A non disclosure agreement is provided in this intro pack for all residents to sign and return before the first work
projects begin. This is to protect the intellectual property of PHARMERS, PHARMERS ACADEMY and any third party
suppliers/ vendors working in collaboration.
All residents are to abide by the strict instructions of the NDA to maintain all parts of this placement confidential for
their personal consumption as fit for the purpose only. Should a resident be caught sharing material without having
made a prior written request and received authorisation, serious legal implication will ensue.
You have a total amount of twelve months from the start of enrolment until the end of the full work placement
period. After this period lapses, any participant wishing to continue or extend their placement for any reason, will
need to submit an extension request and motivation.

Projects & Assignments:

Each month, a topic will be highlighted to help residents focus on said topic and related learning. This will be divided
into weekly or monthly sessions with videos and projects to complete. Assignments may be conducted in groups but
projects will mostly be individual work. Submitted work will be required on Fridays and evaluated by the following


Work project allocations will depend on individual tasks. Issued weekly and monthly online and remotely.

See the introduction sheet in your downloaded resources for more details,



With each month an assignment or project will be submitted and evaluated. A feedback form will be provided. This
helps the academy closely monitor the progress of residents. We will address your query or request of additional info
or support through email, WhatsApp, or phone call as appropriate. Residents are expected to know the theoretical
knowledge behind RA and dossier compilations. If additional training is required, the level of training needed will be
determined and discussed. At the end of the 12 months a completion of service certificate and letter will be given.

Guarantee & Refunds:

No guarantees or refunds are available to residents. Continued support and guidance will ensure that objectives are
met and that residents acquired industry experience.
Further information will follow during the course of the placement. Get excited and happy working!

Please find the resources for the course, Please download them for when you need them. You can download the files below:

Pharmers Academy - New RAWP Resident - 001